Nsiklus hidup spodoptera litura pdf

Responses of the cutworm spodoptera litura lepidoptera. Hama ini sering menyebabkan penurunan produktivitas bahkan kegagalan panen karena. Spodoptera frugiperda colony spodoptera frugiperda specimens were obtained from insect colonies and maintained in a laboratory. Southern armyworm, spodoptera eridania stoll, second and third instar larvae on tomato. Some authors mistakenly continue to regard the allopatric old world cotton leafworm species s. Siklus hidup berkisar antara 30 60 hari lama stadium telur 2 4 hari, larva yang terdiri dari 5 instar. Simulation and visualization of potential population growth in india under warmer temperatures through life cycle modeling table 1. Relationship between host plants and toxicity of bacillus thuringiensis formulation against common cutworm, spodoptera litura.

Noctuidae and some native spodoptera moths introduction the purpose of this handout is to help you distinguish two exotic spodoptera moths of concern to u. Eppo standards pm 71241 diagnostic protocol for spodoptera littoralis, spodoptera litura, spodoptera frugiperda, spodoptera eridania. The roughly 30 species are distributed across six continents. Spodoptera litura, otherwise known as the tobacco cutworm or cotton leafworm, is a nocturnal moth in the family noctuidae.

Archives of phytopathology and plant protection 32. The lc 50 values were found to increase with the age of host. One of the pests commonly used in research is spodoptera litura. Spodoptera litura is also known as the oriental leafworm moth, cluster caterpillar, cotton leafworm, tobacco cutworm, tropical armyworm, taro caterpillar, tobacco budworm, rice cutworm, and cotton cutworm. Microplitis prodeniae rao and chandry is a solitary endoparasitoid of s. Ulat berkepompong dalam tanah, membentuk pupa tanpa rumah pupa kokon berwarna coklat kemerahan dengan panjang sekitar 1,6 cm. Siklus hidup spodoptera exigua pada pakan buatan daun bawang. To assess the potential use of this parasitoid as a biological control agent, the reproductive schedule, fecundity and functional response of m. This page was last edited on 22 december 2018, at 17. However, due to the variability in markings, the only certain way of distinguishing between the two species is by comparing the genitalia. Comparison of amino acid sequences of halloween genes in. Noctuiidae in relation to meteorological factors in multan, punjab, pakistan muhammad sohail shahzad 1, asifa hameed 2, saghir ahmad 2, abid mehmood 2, muhammad aslam 1.

Improved artificial diet for mass rearing of the tobacco caterpillar, spodoptera litura lepidoptera. This moth is found in asia, with some specific problematic pest population reports occurring in cambodia, hong kong, india, the pacific islands, guam, american. Effect of calotropis procera leaf extract on spodoptera. Tingkat serangan pada beberapa varietas unggul kedelai di sulawesi selatan. Serangga dewasa jenis spodoptera litura, betina disebut sebagai imago atau ngengat atau kupu2 dapat bertelur 2. Temperature impacts the development and survival of common cutworm spodoptera litura. The results suggest amino acid substitution in open reading frame of phantom, shade and disembodied protein in spodoptera litura. Ulat grayak spodoptera litura menyerang tanaman pada malam hari, sedangkan pada siang hari berada di dalam tanah. Larva hama ini sering menyebabkan kerusakan daun pada tanaman kacangkacangan, jagung padi, bawang, slada, sawi, kapas, tembakau, dan tebu. Host plant survey for two years from three different locations in cotton.

Its common names reference two of the most frequent host plants of the moth. The purpose of this handout is to guide you in the dissection, screening, and identification. Dan kelompok telur tersebut tertutup bulu seperti beludru yang berasal dari bulu bulu tubuh bagian. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Notes on taxonomy and nomenclature top of page for about 60 years, the egyptian cotton leafworm was known as prodenia litura. The use of bacillus thuringiensis to control agrotis ypsilon and spodoptera exigua on potato cultivations in egypt.

Spodoptera litura fabricius is a major vegetable pest that is widely distributed throughout tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Spesies spodoptera litura spodoptera litura lepidoptera. Litura on a dysdercus koenigii can reduce the yields up to 50% 9 s. Pdf suitability of centella asiatica pegaga as a food source for. Noctuidae merupakan hama yang penting pada tanaman pangan maupun pada tanaman perkebunan, karena larva hama ini bersifat polifag.

Pengaruh instar larva inang spodoptera litura fabricius neliti. Noctuidae morfologi dan bioekologi spodoptera litura termasuk dalam ordo lepidoptera, famili noctuidae, genus spodoptera dan spesies litura. Studies were carried out to evaluate the resistance of pakistani populations of the beet armyworm, spodoptera litura f to several commonly used insecticides. Pathogenicity and characteristics of spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus from peninsular malaysia ahmad s. General information about spodoptera litura prodli eppo global database. Steps for the dissection of male spodoptera moths lepidoptera. Susceptibility of different biological stages of spodoptera litura to various strains of entomopathogenic fungi was evaluated under laboratory conditions at department of entomology university of agriculture, faisalabad using the insect immersion method. The spodoptera moths are found primarily active during night and due to its high mobility, female ovipositing on a wide range of host plants, which promotes or even ensures survival of s. We identified the sequence of five halloween genes partially and converted into amino acid sequences and then three of them were compared with a very near african species of spodoptera, spodoptera littoralis. Klasifikasi dan morfologi ulat grayak kumpulan materi. Late instar larva dark form of the southern armyworm, spodoptera eridania stoll.

Army worm spodoptera litura belongs to order lepidoptera s. The common cutworm, spodoptera litura, has become a major pest of soybean glycine max throughout its indian range. Penelitian pengaruh instar larva inang terhadap keberhasilan hidup parasitoid e. Spodoptera littoralis is often confused with spodoptera litura due to similar larvae and adult physical appearances.

Control of grayak caterpillar spodoptera exigua hubn pest by farmers generally is still use synthetic insecticides that. Effects of three spodoptera litura control strategies on. Oviposition behaviour of tobacco caterpillar, spodoptera. Here we report that the crisprcas9 system induced efficient gene mutagenesis in an important lepidopteran pest spodoptera litura. With a changing climate, there is the potential for this insect to become an increasingly severe pest in certain regions due to increased habitat suitability. Modelling population dynamics of army worm spodoptera litura f. Rearing of spodoptera litura fabricius on different artificial diets and its parasitization with trichogramma chilonis ishii ahmadurrahman saljoqi,1 riaz ul haq,1 ehsanulhaq,2 javed khan2 and ghulam ali2 1department of plant protection, faculty of crop protection sciences, the university of agriculture, peshawar, pakistan. Development stage of the host larvae, spodoptera litura fabricius. Fortunately, the pest is highly susceptible to its npv and studies have shown that the virus can be used effectively as biopesticide in the field jayaraj et al. Hence, spodoptera litura is an appropriate choice to explore and unravel the mechanism underlying the regulation of reproduction. Pm 7124 1 spodoptera littoralis, spodoptera litura.

Ulat grayak aktif makan pada malam hari, meninggalkan epidermis atas dan tulang daun sehingga daun yang terserang dari jauh terlihat berwarna putih balitbang, 2006. Siklus hidup spodoptera exigua pada pakan buatan daun bawang merah dan daun bawang prey. To examine the responses of the secondary lepidopteran pest spodoptera litura to two bacillus thuringiensis bt corn hybrids 5422bt1 event. The following key is designed to help separate middle to late instar s. Identification notes for spodoptera litura and spodoptera littoralis.

Spodoptera litura prodlioverview eppo global database. Latar belakang ulat grayak spodoptera litura merupakan salah satu jenis hama penting yang menyerang tanaman palawija dan sayuran di indonesia samsudin, 2008. Development of microplitis bicoloratus spodoptera litura. Spodoptera exigua helicoverpa armigera are significant polyphagous pests in the tropical and subtropical regions of cultivated crops 10. It is commonly known as indian leafworm, or tobacco caterpillar, tobacco cutworm, and tobacco armyworm oviposition preferences of tobacco caterpillar spodoptera litura were. Promod kumar shakya, masarrat haseeb and uzma manzoor department of plant protection, faculty of agricultural sciences, aligarh muslim university, aligarh, uttar pradesh, india email.

Management of spodoptera litura fabricius on cabbage. Indian journal of biotechnology vol 2, october 2003, pp 539542 comparison of insecticide resistant and susceptible populations of spodoptera litura fab. Development of microplitis bicoloratus on spodoptera litura and implications for biological control kaijun luo1,2, john t. The common cutworm spodoptera litura fabricius lepidoptera. Mallareddy 2004 reported that spinosad was the most effective against s. Life cycle of spodoptera litura uk essays ukessays.

The efficacies of several entomopathogenic nematodes ofsteinernema andheterorhabditis spp. Modelling population dynamics of army worm spodoptera. Microbial control of the cotton leafworm spodoptera littoralis boisd. Spodoptera litura infests a wide range of cultivated food crops numbering around 112, belonging to 44 families 8. Siklus hidup ulat grayak spodoptera litura, f dan tingkat serangan pada beberapa varietas unggul kedelai di sulawesi selatan abdul fattah dan asriyanti ilyas balai pengkajian teknologi pertanian sulawesi selatan jl. Siklus hidup spodoptera exigua pada pakan buatan daun bawang merah. Noctuidae, is a destructive insect pest, damaging economically important. Pada umumnya, ulat grayak menyerang satu tanaman secara bersamasama sampai seluruh daun tanaman tersebut habis, baru kemudian ke tanaman lain. Ulat grayak spodoptera litura petani indonesia cerdas. Rearing of spodoptera litura fabricius on different.

Noctuidae, is a polyphagous destructive pest of subtropical and tropical agriculture. This background formed a basis for selection of the topic isolation and characterization of male derived factors modifying the physiology of oviposition in lepidopteran pest spodoptera litura. Evaluation of lethal response of biorational insecticides. Comparison of insecticide resistant and susceptible. The two old world cotton leafworm species, spodoptera litura and s. Biologi penggerek batang jagung ostrinia furnacalis. Biological control of tobacco cutworm, spodoptera litura. Spodoptera litura is an obiquitous, polyphagous, multivoltine, lepidopteron pest that feeds on 112 cultivated crops all over the world moussca et al. Spodoptera litura is a notorious leaf feeding insect pest of more than one hundred plants around the asiapacific region. Pathogenicity and characteristics of spodoptera litura. A bright yellow stripe along the dorsal side of the larvae is characteristic of s. Biopesticide properties for spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus, including approvals, environmental fate, ecotoxicity and human health issues.

Ulat grayak spodoptera litura merupakan salah satu hama yang menyerang tanaman cabai. Effect of three spodoptera litura control strategies, viz. Chaudhari2 abstract the susceptibility of different stages of spodoptera litura larvae to npv was determined by bioassay. Preliminary notes on the parasites of spodoptera exigua huebner lepidoptera. Hama ini bersifat polifag mempunyai kisaran inang yang cukup luas, sehingga sulit dikendalikan. The comparative susceptibility of these pests and two of their larval parasitoids to bt toxins was examined using diets amended with commercial. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Screening of plant extracts for oviposition activity ijfbs. Spodoptera litura is also a pest of sugarbeet, with infestations presenting in march and peaking in late march and april chatterjee and nayak, 1987. Spodoptera litura has already developed resistance to several organic pesticides resulting severe crop losses singh and singh, 1998.

Bioassay of nuclear polyhedrosis virus npv and in combination with insecticide on spodoptera litura fab tran thi kieu trang 1 and s. Effect of some flavonoids on survival and development of. Temperature impacts the development and survival of common. Kadir3 ldepartment offorest management, 2department ofbiochemistry universiti putra malaysia, 43400 upm, serdang, malaysia. Virulence potential of the entomopathogenic fungi varied with different biological stages of.